Tips to Build Muscle Fast

If you are tired of being skinny or you are looking to add muscle to your frame you need to make sure you are eating enough to gain weight.  Put in your age, height, weight and activity level in the calculator below and then continue below....

Take the total amount of calories given by the calculator and add 500 calories. You will want to increase your daily calories by 500 per day. So by adding an additonal 500 calories to your diet a day you can expect to gain 1/2 to a pound a week. but of course you do not want this added weight gain to be mostly or all fat you want it to be lean muscle mass so the sources of these additonal calories should be from lean proteins and low glycemic carbs. Combine this with a muscle building routine and you are well on your way to building lean muscle mass fast.
But first I need to educate you on what you have to do build muscle. There are several factors you need to be aware of to gain muscle.  To build muscle is not as simple as just going to the gym and lifting weights. Again, there are a lot of factors that will impact your results. Be sure to follow the link to each factor below to educate yourself and return here to go over each factor. 

I hate seeing lifters in the gym wasting there time doing the worst exercises trying to build muscle. A lot of times guys think you can build muscle with isolation type exercises such as chest flyes, cable crossovers, triceps extensions, and leg extensions…AND THEY ARE TOTALLY WRONG!!! The absolute best exercises to build muscle fast will always be multi-joint, compound exercises..So if you are tired of being skinny, tired of being weak, tired of no muscle gains see the exercises you should focus on below to build muscle fast and return here....

A critical part to any successful muscle building program is to answer the question of how many sets to perform per workout to build muscle fast. Most things in life you will find that the more work you put into something the better your results. That holds true for building muscle to an extent but you cant go over board.  Most of you are probably used to doing at least four sets per exercise. Some of you may even be doing more sets than that and there for a while I was with you. In muscle building magazine you will see bodybuilding experts that stress several sets per exercise and or a total of 20 to 25 sets per workout to gain muscle mass. This is true if you take steroids but not for the average guy like you and me.  See the way steroids work is they help you recover super fast from your workouts. Meaning you can hit the same muscles again just a couple of days later. But for the average person you must wait a minimum of 3 days before hitting the same muscles again because in order to get bigger you must allow your muscles to grow and recover from your prior workout.  If you are constantly working out and not allowing your muscles to recover you will not grow any new muscle. So if you are tired of being skinny go here to learn how many sets you need to do per workout to build muscle fast and return here.

It seems the typical muscle building rep range has been 10-14 reps per set. Some stress that lower reps of 5-9 reps or even lower 4-8 reps per set. Again from my experience in the gym this is all wrong... when you do 10-14 reps you build up a lot of lactic acid and muscle fatigue. Inevitably, the quality of your following sets will decline. The key to building muscle and getting bigger is to build strength and to stimulate the muscle in a way to make it grow. This called hypertrophy. The higher up on the rep range you are the less muscle you will build and the more endurance you build. While the lower on the rep range you go the more strength you will build but the less muscle you build.  Its confusing so if you are tired of being skinny go here to find out the best rep range to build muscle and return here....

To build muscle fast you must eat the Right Foods to Build Muscle.  Muscle building nutrition in my estimation will account for about 50% of your muscle gains if not higher!!! You cant expect to build lean muscle mass if your diet consists of fast food and snacks. You must feed your body the right foods in the right quantities at the right times to keep your body in what is known as an anabolic state. An anabolic state means your body is in the state to build muscle. So if you are tired of being skinny follow the links below on Muscle building Nutrition, Pre-workout Nutrition and Post Workout Nutrition to build muscle fast and return here.....
Pre -Workout Nutrition to Build Muscle
Post-Workout Nutrition to Build Muscle
Muscle Building Nutrition

Don't forget that your body only builds muscle tissue when you are not weight training.  Simply put, you build muscle while you are sleeping, not while you are at the gym!  If you weight train and don't get an enough sleep, or train too often or do not allow for enough recovery time between workouts it can become nearly impossible to build muscle. So if you are tired of being skinny go to the link below on how much rest is needed to build Muscle and return here....

How Much Rest to Build Muscle

Also if you over train you must be able to identify this because this will hurt your muscle building efforts. Go here to see if you are over training and return here...

How to Avoid Over-training to Build Muscle Fast

Now that you have all the basics of build muscle fast you can now get started with your weight training. See link below for my weight training routines to build muscle fast. Be sure to never lose site of this valuable muscle building tips. These muscle building tips should be the foundation of all your training efforts going forward. 

Also to avoid many muscle building mistakes people make when trying to build muscle see link below...

Muscle Building Mistakes to Avoid

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